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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

5 Tips to reduce weight easily

Over weight problem is a matter of concern. Shedding weight is not a tough job but its not that easy too. You need to choose correct technique to lose weight for yourself according to your body type. There is nothing about being demoralized or loosing hope, just try not to skip your meals as reducing weight does not means only dieting.

Many people have a misconception about reducing weight, they think that weight can be decreased only through dieting or skipping meals. Let me tell you friends this will not all going to help you. For reducing weight first of all select a healthy diet for yourself. Avoid calories and opt for fat free food. Here are top 5 slimming tips which will help you a lot in shedding those extra pounds.

5 Tips to Slim Down

    Avoid eating fried snacks between lunch and dinner time. You can take green or black tea instead of snacks as they contain amino acid which secretes the relaxing chemicals of mind that helps in controlling hunger.
    Whole grain tortillas are very healthy, they can be used to make sandwiches or nutria-raps. By reducing the level of carbohydrates in tortillas they can be a good source of reducing weight. Corn tortilla contains 70% less calories compared to wheat flour tortilla.
    Sweet corns are not only tasty to eat but according to a latest study they contains 2 times more antioxidants that apple and are low calorie food.
    Increase the level of protein in your food. Protein takes more time to digest and remains in your stomach for a longer time. Protein rich food like egg yolk, turkey sandwiches, fat free milk and curd, grilled fish and vegetables will help you to loose weight and be slim.
    If you want to eat some salty food then instead of eating fried or oily chips eat roasted almonds. They are full of monounsaturated fatty acid and hence are very healthy. They help in shedding weight if eaten regularly.

The above mentioned were some of the tips for Weight Loss. Hope you find it useful.

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